More photos of my droid building hobby 😁

This photo includes Matt Denton, the electronics wizard behind "The Force Awakens" BB-8 animatronics in the middle.
Matt Denton autograph on my BB-8 dome - plus his binary encoded BB8 signature
I packed my R2-D2 and BB-8 in our Honda Fit for the trip to Celebration Orlando 2017
My R2-D2 and my BB-8 trapped with a net

Proud builder with his droids

The droid builders room had several great photo op booths

Don't miss the Droid Races at the convention

Sean Shaffer (my grandson), droid builder (I need to find his name), and Monty as 'Luke' at the convention.
Cosplay 'Rey' with my BB-8
Young-ling Jedi with my BB-8
Houston Area Droid Builders - first meeting in summer of 2017
Houston Area Droid Builders - Facebook link


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