Monty's BB-8

I've been working on my BB-8 this past year.

I purchased an Ultimaker 2 3D printer to print the body panels and dome as shown in the next photo:

, and have also purchased many ServoCity (https://www.ServoCity.comparts including their Actobotics round baseplate shown in the next photo - as the hub to support my pendulum drive design.

 Other ServoCity mechanical parts I have purchased include bearings and thrust washers for the differential gearbox in the center of the last photo.  Now it is time to order some servo motors with the powerful ServoCity servo gearboxes - which I will use to move the dome gimbals and rotate the dome from the body - using an array of magnets shown in the magnet mount at the top of the next picture.

Here is my Autodesk 123d design for my pendulum drive - you can see a ServoCity ServoBlock at the top of the picture to rotate the dome (through magnets located in the 3D printed magnet holder:

Many thanks to the BB-8 Builders Club ( for the wonderful forum with lots of info on how to make your own BB-8.


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